A variety of over 14 delicious fillings
A variety of breads, mini rolls and wraps
All prices are charged per person exclusive of VAT.
£5 head |
Call 01923 630303 for details |
SANDWICH MENU Asandwiches and crisps and a bowl of fruit |
£5.60 |
1 round sandwiches & 1 mini roll per person on a variety of breads |
Homebaked sausage rolls |
Sea salted crisps |
SANDWICH MENU Bsandwiches, crisps and cakes |
£6.85 |
1 round sandwiches & 1 mini roll per person on a variety of breads |
Vegetable samosas |
Sea salted crisps |
Platter of mini cakes |
SANDWICH MENU Csandwiches, crisps and fruit |
£6.85 |
1 round sandwiches & 1 mini roll per person on a variety of breads |
Quiche bites |
Sea salted crisps |
Cut tropical & seasonal fruit platter |
SANDWICH MENU Dsandwiches, crisps, fruit & cake |
£7.60 |
1 round sandwiches & 1 mini roll per person on a variety of breads |
Sea salted crisps |
Cut tropical & seasonal fruits platter |
Platter of mini cakes |
SANDWICH MENU Esandwiches, wraps, crisps, fruit, cakes, cruditees and dips |
£8.80 |
1 round sandwiches & 3/4 wrap or 1 mini roll or 1 mini bagel or 1 bridge roll (or a combination) |
Sea salted crisps |
Cut tropical & seasonal fruits |
Platter of mini cakes |
SANDWICH MENU Fsandwiches, wraps, crisps, fruit & cheese |
£9.50 |
1 round sandwiches,1/2 wrap & 1 mini roll |
Sea salted crisps |
Continental cheeses with crackers & chutney |
Cut tropical & seasonal fruits platter |
Platter of mini cakes |